Learn about our Expertise in using Cutting-Edge Technologies
Chatur Computer Services has been executing contracts for various
financial institutions including mutual funds and foreign institutional investors.
The repository of knowledge created by us at Chatur Computer Services
from executing projects now enables us to leverage those insights for the
purpose of creating thematically similar products/services using the
Internet and browser related technologies as the backbone.
Some of the work done in the past includes:
Asset Management Software
AMS makes it simple to manage your organization’s valuable assets, from software and IT assets, to furniture, equipment, and more. The system allows you to instantly locate any asset, eliminating wasted time spent searching for missing items and unnecessary expenses to replace lost assets. AMS features an easy-to-use interface, keeping the data you need at your fingertips, without unnecessary complexity.
AMS is a complete asset tracking solution including barcode label printing for creating asset tags. Important improvements over V1.0 include Audit of User activities, Segregation of User duties, Additional fields, Lifecycle of the Asset, Management Reports.
Capital Gains System
CGS is designed to automate Gain/Losses, Tax and Generate bills based on FII Income. Some of the key features include Freezing of previous financial years, Introduction of ISIN numbers, Audit trails of Operations, Flag approval (Trade Account - Daily purchase and sales), Billing (Includes Client mapping and type of Client).
Mutual Fund Accounting Systems
Customized solutions developed for Accounting and Asset Management for several Mutual Funds on a project basis. Chatur Computer Services has been involved with
systems development and implementation for the
Mutual Fund industry since August 1988 and has an in depth knowledge of this industry.
Customized kernel for Foreign Institution Investors, Portfolio Accounting and Management System. (PAMS)
A database manager and reporting system for Foreign Institutional Investors to manage funds in India. Specific operational reporting based on the Indian markets had to be developed for compliance to laws and statutory requirements. In addition extensive MIS on holdings, valuation, status of custodial positions etc.. was also incorporated.
Dealers on-line Systems (DOLS)
DOLS enables dealers to obtain on-line order and trade information on the screen. Dealer can obtain instant information on holdings position, management sale-purchase limits, broker/scrip exposures etc..
Control System for monitoring customer services for Mutual Funds
System to monitor the customer services for unit holders' requests, queries and correspondence. Analysis on speed of case handling, statistics of category of services and detailed logging of inputs are some of the features of the system.
Repurchase of units for Mutual Funds
System enabling correct repurchases of units of Mutual Fund Units by the investor, with necessary accounting and computation.
Portfolio Management System
Accounting system for management of Institutional Portfolios, tracking of deliveries, generation of several statutory and compliance reports, MIS, market valuation, Industry exposures etc..
In addition General Ledger accounting upto Balance Sheet and NAV computations. Several security features, hierarchy and matrix of user access can be defined within this system.
Personal Portfolio Management System
Similar to the PMS above. Accounting is on-line with greater flexibility and lesser security parameters.
Inventory of holdings with details of distinctive numbers, share certificates etc.. are also additional features of this system.
Loan against shares Management
This system was designed to manage Loan against shares as collateral by a Merchant Banker.
The system aided the user to value the portfolio, compute based on margins the Loan to be sanctioned, tracked the interest receipts, maintained necessary documentation and generated profitability and other MIS reports. Ready forward / Money Market Management Systems Management of Repos, Call, Bills discounting, T-Bills, Company deposits etc. Various modules developed for Merchant Banking and Finance corporates operations..
Pension Accounts system - For Central Government Pensioners.
System generated pension payouts for Government pensioners through 80 branches in and around Mumbai. System incorporates features for validating updates, computation of pension, arrears of dearness allowance and various other statutory and related reports.
Lease Management Accounting Systems
System to monitor and maintain leasing related activities - especially Vehicle leasing.
Marine Insurance Management System
MIMS manages information related to open insurance policies for transport of goods for a company. It ensures correct computation of premium based on the goods, transporters details like age, tonnage etc. MIMS also manages the accounting and performs continuous balance check of premium available.
Accounting Systems for a Fabric Processing Group of Companies
Modules of Accounts, Sales, Purchases, Inventory, Receivables, Payables and Process house incorporated.
Service Inventory Management System (SIMS)
SIMS is a system developed for OTIS Elevator Co Ltd for its Western regions at 23 locations for its service parts. This data is consolidated at the Regional HQ and MIS of various types is available. The data transfer is through RAS of Windows NT.